The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86197   Message #1624108
Posted By: GUEST,glowboy
09-Dec-05 - 10:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Saddam Will Rise Again
Subject: RE: BS: Saddam Will Rise Again
Yew jist think yur so smarte withe all the bad spillin so's no one kin harldly make owut whut yer asayin'. Ifn I wuz ez edicateed as yew I wuid drop some perls uv widsom hear too end uew wid be amaized and awesticken by my brillyance.

As fer George Warshington...he exterminated a whole lotta Injuns. That \s a fact. He kilt 'em, burnt 'em out, and cut down alla they fruti orchrards too. Drove them 6 Nations outta New York State. He wuz a mass murderer. Better beleeve it.

A corse them redskins wuilda dun the same to him too ifn they hed the chancet and et his heart and liver in the bargoon. So I calls it a standoff.