The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65407   Message #1625141
Posted By: Allan C.
11-Dec-05 - 03:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where have all the wines gone?
Subject: RE: BS: Where have all the wines gone?
What I want to know is: what ever happened to good ol' Boone's Farm Apple Wine? Back in the'70's it was a staple in the house I shared with two other guys. We certainly drank our share of BFAW, often buying it by the case. In fact, one of the best hams I ever cooked was marinated in it. A few years later, it was gone from the market shelves while the (IMHO) nasty strawberry version of it remained. A few other flavors surfaced for a while; but the apple wine never returned. Anyone know what happened?