The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87191   Message #1626342
Posted By: black walnut
13-Dec-05 - 10:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Migraines and P.F.O.s
Subject: RE: BS: Migraines and P.F.O.s
There is research coming out now, though, SRS, saying that we are causing medical problems for ourselves by actually drinking too much clear water. I'll have to find that article and post it....anyway, the issue is that when you get migraines like I do, drinking more fluids is not the quick and easy answer. I already drink a lot of fluids. Often people suggest things without even asking if the person with the medical problem if he/she has already thought already thought about or even tried their remedy. I've had a kazillion people hand me their 'remedy' for my problem, or give me their doctor's phone number, without ever asking me about my own journey. It can be a tad frustrating, and even demeaning. I have a brain, I have a support system, I have a belief system, and I have a journey. No matter how 'caring' someone is, they don't have the right to try to take the wheel away from the driver if the driver is compitent.

That said, Autolycus was not getting so personal. The fluid issue was merely being raised. It's just that 'drinking water' is veering away from the core of the thread subject, so I had my knee-jerk reaction. There are a lot of threads here on the Mudcat about migraines. I was mostly interested in this thread to inform about the P.F.O. issue and to ask if anyone here has had experience along this line.

Hope I've been clear. Health care is a difficult issue to talk about sometimes. We all come with our various sizes and colours of baggage. Migraines are affecting my musical life big-time, as some of you know, and so I bring this issue here to my music/friendship community.
