The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87200   Message #1626387
Posted By: Alba
13-Dec-05 - 11:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Tookie: Say Yer Prayers
Subject: RE: BS: Tookie: Say Yer Prayers
Well he may be gone...."legally murdered" and the Crips are still there and after waiting for 24 years in Death Row to be executed he is dead. For 24 years he wondered when....that is a Life sentence by my thinking.
Victims Families may feel a little better that he was executed but really at the end of it all an eye for an eye only makes two people blind.
For or against it, the Death penalty is as violent an act as the Murder that brought about the sentence.

If hate caused one to kill then hate is the driving force to want the killer dead.
Hate....pure and simple.
Hate is a festering sore in the Heart and I wonder if killing the object of that hatered results in healing that festering sore.
I suspect any relief for the Victims Families that Williams is dead may only be temporary.
Their next thought may be....his death was too quick, too humane.
What is done is done but each time it is done we as a Society are no better for it in my opinion.