The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87227   Message #1626519
Posted By: Chief Chaos
13-Dec-05 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: Violin conditioning
Subject: Violin conditioning
I wanted to call this "Old Violin" but then I realized that some are much, much older than others, anyway...

I just received an "old" violin created between 1940-1950.
I don't care about it's value, I just want to know if anything can be done to ensure that it is able to be strung and played without damaging it. It has been stored in it's case for at least 30 years and I'm pretty sure not under the optimal conditions. I'd take it to someone for an evaluation but around here all they want to do is sell you a new one. It might be "junk" but it was my wife's grandmothers and has greater value than anythin on their shelves.

Thanks for any help!