The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87240   Message #1626834
Posted By: Azizi
13-Dec-05 - 08:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Problems With The Red Cross
Subject: BS: Problems With The Red Cross
This just hit the Internet news:

American Red Cross President Resigns

By DAVID CRARY, AP National Writer
NEW YORK - American Red Cross President Marsha Evans announced her resignation Tuesday because of friction with the board of governors, shortly before witnesses and lawmakers at a congressional hearing assailed the charity's response to Hurricane Katrina...

At the hearing in Washington, lawmakers said the Red Cross's uneven response to Katrina calls for major changes in how the charity coordinates with local groups, handles its finances and distributes aid to the disabled. A Louisiana congressman even suggested the possibility of stripping the Red Cross of its dominant role in major relief campaigns".


And-check this out:

"[Evans's predecessor, Dr. Bernadine Healy] noted that the Red Cross is chartered by Congress, and the U.S. president is its honorary chairman."

Bush the honorary president of The American Red Cross??!!!

Why am I surprised that the American Red Cross is not managed properly??

Bush=miserable failure.

'nuff said.