The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77169   Message #1627042
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
14-Dec-05 - 06:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Iraqi elections.
Subject: RE: BS: Iraqi elections.
Crowbar, you really must give some attention to your sad lack of knowledge of the English language, especially the meaning of words.

There is a vast difference between promoting and PREDICTING, which is what Bobert has been doing.

Given the situation in the US, his predictions might well be uncomfortably close to the truth. You have a huge number of citizens who are disenchanted with what passes for government, and it is not unlikely that, for lack of any political means of effecting change, they might seek change by other means.

You state:-
"I want leaders like GWB, Joe Liberman, John McCain who do what they think   is right regarless of how unpopular it might make them. You want the Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton types who say whatever they think people want them to say in order to gain popularity".

In the face of all the evidence, can you REALLY believe this?

The heroes you honour with your undying loyalty are wholly owned by corporate interests, and operate in the most cynical, dishonest, pseudo legal manner, to the sole benefit of those interests. Those you decry may have their own agendas too, but IMHO you don't keep a crook in charge because some of those who will apply for his job might also be dishonest.

What you do is can the bastard, and choose one of the honest applicants.

If there are no honest applicants, you change the conditions to limit the power of the next incumbent, so he/she can be held accountable.

It's not rocket science! Many smaller business organisations have done it in the past, with complete success.

You need a president who will break up the Corporate giants who infest your political scene. Then the US might be infected with a different kind of organism, called humanity.

Don T.