The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87227   Message #1627188
Posted By: mooman
14-Dec-05 - 10:53 AM
Thread Name: Violin conditioning
Subject: RE: Violin conditioning
I'm not so sure about wives with husbands practising the fiddle leeneia!

My guess (without seeing it) is that it may well be alright if it was left under tension for 30 years and it is still intact. Even in its case there will have been natural swelling and shrinking in response to humidity changes. It is possible that glue joints could have been weakened by this process (if there were severe changes in humidity or temperature) or that the soundpost has fallen out but having first checked that the best policy is to give it a try. It certainly doesn't sound as if there is anything that can't be fixed.

Peace and good practising!
