The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86717   Message #1627446
Posted By: Tim theTwangler
14-Dec-05 - 05:11 PM
Thread Name: Great Grimsby Uk Music News
Subject: RE: Great Grimsby Uk Music News
Following the immensly enjoyable open mic at the Tap and Spile grimsby the very same venue has an Accoustic sesion nxt tuesday the 20th December.
WHo knows what will happen but ai dare say there will be many of the regulars in attendance and some suorises so bring your poems instruments and songs to the Tap and Spile next Tuesday.
I think I have mentioned the format previously you play where you sit stand or lay and the music goes around clockwise or widershins until the landlord has made emough or had enough and chucks us out.
Is fun and freindly bunch all abilities welcomed and applauded.
If you aer a bit shy about coming to the big town we will find you somewhere at our table to park your 'arris and may not even nick your beer while you are singing.