The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87240   Message #1627493
Posted By: leftydee
14-Dec-05 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Problems With The Red Cross
Subject: RE: BS: Problems With The Red Cross
The American Red Cross has always been a little suspect to me. Remember Bob Dole's wife was the chairman at one time and received $1million a year for her services? What was her training to demand that kind of wage? The Red Cross depends heavily upon volunteers and low paid staff folks while top execs get paid outrageous salaries like the greedy CEOs of For-profit companies. I've never really been on board with the way the RC collects free blood then sells it to hospitals either. That makes me a bit uncomfortable. I'm not religious (actually anti-religious) but my money goes to the Salvation Army, less of your buck goes to "administation".