The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87255   Message #1627891
Posted By: GUEST,Scotus (minus cookie)
15-Dec-05 - 11:40 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Gordon Duncan, Pitlochry, Scotland (Dec 05)
Subject: RE: Obit: Gordon Duncan, Pitlochry, Scotland (Dec 05)
We phoned Gordon's father (well respected trad singer Jock Duncan) yesterday and said how sad we were to hear the news. Here is a tribute from Ian Green of Greentrax Records.

15th December, 2005.

Gordon Duncan - Piper and Composer Extraordinaire!
I was devastated to learn today that Gordon Duncan had died on the 14th December at his home in Edradour, Pitlochry, Perthshire. Gordon was 41 years of age.

Gordon was of course one of the most talented and innovative pipers in Scotland in present times. He was also a remarkable composer and did me the great honour of composing a tune titled - "Ian Green of Greentrax". I am very, very proud of that tune.

Gordon recorded three wonderful albums for Greentrax, the first in 1994, and in the intervening years Gordon and myself became good friends. He referred to me in his pawkie way as "Greenie" and 'The Boss".

Hamish Moore wrote of Gordon in a sleeve note on the "Just For Seumas" album: "This man is precious and should be one of Scotland's living national treasures".

I endorse that statement and would add that Gordon was a very rare talent indeed - and is a sad loss to the Scottish traditional music scene. He will be sorely missed by his family and friends.

Gordon's funeral is at 12.45p.m. on Wednesday, 21st December, at the Church of Scotland, Pitlochry, Perthshire.

Jack Beck