The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86221   Message #1628022
Posted By: Bobert
15-Dec-05 - 01:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Tim Russert: Well, Bobert, do you have any undenialble evidence that Teribus fools around with young boys???

Bobert: No.

............1 year later.............

Tim Russert: Given the allegations by many folks that Teribus has had and continues to have relationships witrh young boys is there no any additional evidence that might indicate that Teribus has relationships with young boys?

Bobert: Well, Tim, let me be very careful in answering your question about the alledged relationship between Teribus and young boys. While there is a strong possibility that Teribus indeed is having realtionships with young boys we have no additional evidence at this point in time...


See, T, words can do some very tricky things... Given the number of folks that got the distinct impression that Iraq was tied to 9/11 and the terrorists, I think if can safely beargued that this many folks didn't just dream this link up...

The examples I gave earlier and the ones above parallel the kind of PR campaign that the Bush folks used to sell the war in Iraq... If you strip the quotes down, yeah, it can be argued that Bush, and the boys and girl, didn't use the word "evidence" in staking out the claim. They din't need to. They had a slick PR team craft the wording... Just as I have crafted the wording about the "relationship between you and young boys"...

Now, iof I have a team of folks oput in the field with cameras and mics in front of them all saying things much like I have used as examples then it won't be long before yer neighbors start looking at you funny and scurrying thei kids away from you when they see you walking their way...

This is exactly what Bush did...

If you wish to contune to stake a claim that this didn't occurm it is you who will need to drive your claim stake into the head of the pin...
