The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86830   Message #1628470
Posted By: Azizi
15-Dec-05 - 10:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Depression and Anxiety
Subject: RE: BS: Depression and Anxiety
I just finished reading an article in an astrology magazine on Chiron, the Greek centaur demi-god who is associated with healing, with skills in battle, as well as with philosphopy & music.

That article reminded me of this thread's discussion and I'd like to share some excerpts from it with those who may be interested.

"Most notably Chiron related to woundedness. Known as a great healer, he mentored Aesculapius, the semi-mythical father of Greek medicine, and his name comes down to us through chiropractice, chiropody, chirography, chiromancy, and chirugie {the French word for surgery}. But in his healing, we are told, he used herbs and wholistic methids, and it seems that Chiron, wounded in the foot as he was and therefore walking with a limp, symbolizes, among other factors, a search for the balance that heals. Thus his connection with the wounded healer archetype. Further, through his connection to a madala of skills that one offers to the world, Chiron suggests that we heal ourselves when we make use of the mandala of abilities within us, when we engage in a search for inner balance. But the process begins when we acknowledge our wounds...

The years around Chiron's discovery saw an increased emphasis not on disease per se, but on what we might call the environmental and wholistic issues related to disease. We see this environmental quality when we realize that disease often arises from environmental factors-not necessarily germs or microbes, naturally occurring or otherwise, but the larger structure of a person's life, a structure that promotes or generates the imbalance that leads to disease. We see the wholistic nature when we realize that the deepest cures come not from simply getting rid of the symptomology, but from looking into and making changes in the larger pattern.

Thus, Chiron's cures can result from our attempts to re-balance ourselves, to bring our lives into harmony, coordinating body and mind, livelihood, and creative enterprise, work and play, participation, and solitude. Chiropractors can accomplish the first, we can accomplish the second if we analyze our lives closely. And of course, many chiropractors will tell us that misalignment of the spine often results from tension, from habitual ways of holding ourselves, ways that arise, in turn, from larger life-situations, from ways of approaching these situations, ways of holding ourselves within them. Unconscious body-armoring, it seems...

We can heal by healing the structure...We may fear {Saturn} getting sick {Chiron} or we can heal ourselves {Chiron} by looking directly at fear {Saturn} and having the insight {Uranus} to realise that we shouldn't take fear as solid: that a person fears something doesn't mean that there's something out there to fear. We can see that fear constitutes an approach {a limiting one} not an accurate description of the world"...


Source: Tim Lyons "Chiron, Saturn, and Your Birth Planets" {an article that is part of a monthly series called "Astrology for The New Age" in HOROSCOPE GUIDE, February 2006, pp 88-92

Note: I haven't had any experience with chiropractors and am not promoting the benefit of chiropractice.

I am sharing these excerpts because it seems to me that it is important to consider the reasons for a person's [psychological]
dis-ease and not just treat the physical or emotional symptoms of that dis-ease...

Sorry, I was unable to find an online version of this article or this magazine.