The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87240   Message #1628517
Posted By: NH Dave
16-Dec-05 - 01:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Problems With The Red Cross
Subject: RE: BS: Problems With The Red Cross
The Red Cross has always been a bit suspect to me, especially when it asks for money to help a specific disaster. The San Diego, CA, chapter accepted lots of money to aid wild fire victime, and then banked a good percentage of the receipts for the next disaster that came along.

If I give to help disaster victimes, I want my money to go the those in distress, not to fill the tills of so called disaster relief agencies. The Sally Anns have always been an honest charity as far as I know, and one to which I'd much rather give money.

So far I haven't heard much good about their work in New Orleans.
