The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87307   Message #1628657
Posted By: *daylia*
16-Dec-05 - 07:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Thoughts About Suicide
Subject: RE: BS: Thoughts About Suicide
THe religion I was born into teaches that suicide is a "mortal sin", but that forgiveness is always possible with God, of course. IN some cultures, suicide was considered a highly honourable means of checking out under certain circumstances (ie in Japan, the soldiers on the losing side would commit suicide en masse rather than be captured). And it was customary for the aged among the Inuit of the far north to wander off to die alone during periods of famine, for example, thus freeing up food/supplies for the younger people.

As for me, I agree with what you said about reincarnation, Azizi, with one addendum --- there is no judgment, really. People are free to do whatever they like, and they are responsible for any effects their actions have on others. So, suicide may create more karma than it resolves, as the person's family and friends deal with the aftermath. Also, when a person dies in an extremely negative emotional state (which is often the case when a Westerner commits suicide), they carry on in that same emotional state, with or without a physical body, until it is resolved/healed. In that case, suicide resolves nothing - it just prolongs the agony.