The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87307   Message #1629481
Posted By: Little Hawk
17-Dec-05 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Thoughts About Suicide
Subject: RE: BS: Thoughts About Suicide
Good one, Doug! ;-)

Ebbie - I have heard that spirits, being basically pure thought itself, can "appear" any way they want to...and that when one spirit wishes to "see" another specific spirit whom they have known, then they see them pretty much the way they would most want to see them...something like that. And it is not governned by timel. It's timeless. Time is something that has a function in the physical dimension(s), where things are separate and have distances between them. Time is the measure of distance. There is no distance in pure thought. Thought is instantaneous. (the firing of neurons in a physical brain is not instantaneous, but thought is) Most spirits would prefer, I imagine, to appear in the prime of life...but maybe they would prefer to be as a child or an old person for some reason...who knows.

In any case when one spirit recognizes another it is recognizing not outer form, but familiar patterns of consciousness. Being pure thought, we each are quite unique and recognizable to one another. In Spirit, to think of someone IS to be with them...immediately...whether they are "alive" (in a body) or "dead" (not in a body).

That's what I've heard. Can't say if it's true or not...

Gargoyle - I figure that most of us could benefit from some good therapy now and then...if we could find the right therapist. Therapists are fallible too, and sometimes they do more harm than good. They can also be quite expensive. I've known people who got totally screwed up by therapists. I've known others who were greatly helped by them.