The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87307   Message #1629679
Posted By: Bill D
17-Dec-05 - 06:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Thoughts About Suicide
Subject: RE: BS: Thoughts About Suicide
Carol...and others..I have NEVER doubted that people have the 'experiences' that they refer to. I do not even suggest that I am discussing all this with folks who make up stuff.... I merely reserve judgement on the ultimate cause of these experiences.

I know half a dozen possible ways in which 'unusual' experiences can happen that do not require mystical, metaphorical or metaphysical explanations. I, myself, have had for example, vivid dreams that made me wonder why those elements got all mixed up in my subconcious. The human brain/mind is complex beyond anything we have learned to sort out yet, and new stuff is being discovered everyday. Those of us who do NOT have 'spiritual' or other 'private' experiences...(memories of past lives, encounters with ghosts, OOB happenings, precognition, and other paranormal revelations) may perhaps be forgiven if we scratch our heads at some of the reports and look for other possible explanations for our friends' reports of events which we poor "unconnected" ones are missing!

I am willing to learn and be educated, when & if that is possible, but elaborate stories and revelations which are preceded by "...I believe that..." are not exactly what I find convincing...(I know, I know...YOUR beliefs do not depend on whether *I* am convinced. I have no notion that anyone is going to suddenly doubt their cherished beliefs because ol' Bill typed some "but look here" stuff.)
....but maybe on occasion someone will take some extra effort and look a bit deeper into it all...and maybe we'll ALL learn more because they do.