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Thread #86221   Message #1629763
Posted By: Teribus
17-Dec-05 - 09:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Terry Allan Hall - 17 Dec 05 - 06:02 PM

"If Hussein had WMDs, he would've used them when we illegally invaded the Bu$$h apologists think he was just waiting for a more "festive" time?"

I note the word "If" at the beginning of that sentence. OK Terry did he use them in 1991? We definitely knew he had them then, didn't we? Why did he not use them then? It may have something to do with the triggered response. While all the anti-war, anti-Bush, anti-American crowd are howling on about the US providing Saddam with WMD, they tend to forget that the UK and the US had renounced those weapons decades before. The USSR and it's Warsaw Pact allies did not. During the "Cold War" there was absolutely no secret made of the fact that if the USSR or any of it's Warsaw Pact allies used chemical or biological weapons the response from the west would be Tactical Nuclear. I believe that in 1991 Saddam was given the same message, that was why he did not use them.

Ron Davies - 17 Dec 05 - 09:07 PM

"Exactly how naive are you, Teribus?" A damn sight less than you Ron. Now go and play with the rest of the sheep.