The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87354   Message #1630078
Posted By: Strollin' Johnny
18-Dec-05 - 02:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: English Football Thugs Film
Subject: RE: BS: English Football Thugs Film
Johnny, your description of English Football fans is about as accurate as me saying that all Americans are lazy, burger-eating, coke-swilling, ignorant, ill-informed lard-ass bigmouths. There must be a few like that but the vast majority are fine people.

I've spectated at football matches for almost fifty years and never been involved in any sort of hooliganism or violence. Not saying it never happens, just that it's far, far rarer than journalists and film-makers would have you believe, and that those who do involve themselves in it are a very, very small minority, and they are not, repeat NOT football fans. They are just thugs who, if football didn't exist, would find another activity to attach themselves to.

And there are many other countries who have similar problems or worse - e.g. South American countries where referees have been shot for making unpopular decisions, and players murdered by the fans after playing badly.