The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87354   Message #1631178
Posted By: Grab
20-Dec-05 - 07:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: English Football Thugs Film
Subject: RE: BS: English Football Thugs Film
Is it true English followers of soccer are the worst in the world when it comes to thuggery?

Worse than gangs in Washington DC or any other major US city? I'm afraid English soccer fans aren't even close...

FWIW, there's more reported physical violence in the UK than in the US. Whether there's more *actual* physical violence in the US than the UK is difficult to say - areas of UK cities/towns with many pubs are usually pretty well patrolled by police on foot, whereas US cities/towns don't *have* pub areas, don't have police patrols in the same way, and so aren't likely to result in as many arrests. Bear in mind that most physical violence doesn't result in arrests unless there's been some serious result requiring a trip to hospital or unless the police have intervened.

However there *is* an order of magnitude more murders in the US than in the UK, both in sheer numbers and percentage-wise.
