The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87398   Message #1631261
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
20-Dec-05 - 09:46 AM
Thread Name: Where does YOUR singing style come from?
Subject: RE: Where does YOUR singing style come from?
Sounds like you're on the right track, Baz. For all of us, (esepcially when we start singing in front of an audience) we are driven far too much by what others are going to think about us. I did that for years. We consciously (or subconsciously) measure ourselves against other singers we like, or admire.

Every once in awhile someone in my gospel quartet loses their way and starts to get neurotic about what someone is going to think about them. Or they say, I can't sound like Sam Cooke, or Claude Jeter. I have two responses to that. Firstly, Sam Cooke or Claude Jeter (fantastic lead singer for the Swan Silvertones) could never sound like you. No one can sound like you. You have a unique gift and you should become the best singer you can become without comparing yourself to anyone else. Secondly, I ask, "Who are you singing for?" That's a universal question, not limited to gospel music. Of course, we all sing for others, but your first loyalty should be to the song and yourself. If you do that, people will enjoy you. Some may not, but there's no accounting for taste.
