The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86221   Message #1631523
Posted By: Arne
20-Dec-05 - 01:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
And Teribus repeats for the zillionth time the same old tired (and useless) quotes ... carefully snipping (note this, Geoduck) the rest of what Cheney said. And what else did Cheney say right after that???

From your own post, Teribus:

On the other hand, since we did that interview, new information has come to light. And we spent time looking at that relationship between Iraq, on the one hand, and the al-Qaeda organization on the other. And there has been reporting that suggests that there have been a number of contacts over the years. We've seen in connection with the hijackers, of course, MOHAMED ATTA, WHO WAS THE LEAD HIJACKER, DID APPARENTLY TRAVEL TO PRAGUE ON A NUMBER OF OCCASIONS. AND ON AT LEAST ONE OCCASION, WE HAVE REPORTING THAT PLACES HIM IN PRAGUE WITH A SENIOR IRAQI INTELLIGENCE OFFICIAL A FEW MONTHS BEFORE THE ATTACK ON THE WORLD TRADE CENTER. The debates about, you know, was he there or wasn't he there, again, it's the intelligence business."

And Teribus has the chutzpah to accuse us of snipping and selective quoting.....

Teribus hangs on deperately to a slender thread (and admits that he really doesn't give a damn about context, which he and Geoduck assert is important elsewhere): Now all that was broadcast on 8th September 2002. It doesn't matter what Dick Cheney says after that sentence - he has answered Russert's question.

And this remaining stuff is also in direct response to Russert's question; no intervening comment by Russert, no change of subject. But since it doesn't fit the snowjob that Teribus is trying to foist off, he ignores it. Head in the sand ... or more accurately, deliberate dishonesty on Teribus's part, seeing as Teribus knows full well what Cheney said but refuses to acknowledge it. But what of the selectively curtainled answer that Teribus is wont to cite: "I'm not here today to make a specific allegation that Iraq was somehow responsible for 9/11. I can't say that."

Yeah, and I don't mean to make a specific allegation that Teribus is an axe-murdering pederast, I can't say that, but.....

As we've pointed out too many times, Cheney doesn't deny a d*** thing here; he just refuses to make any "specific allegation". Teribus is hard of understanding, though. Or dishonest. Probably the latter, but I don't want to make a specific allegation.

Last time I'm pointing this out. Let's talk calendars....
