The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3276   Message #16317
Posted By: Nonie Rider
17-Nov-97 - 08:03 PM
Thread Name: You can post MIDI files to this forum (take 2
Subject: RE: You can post MIDI files to this forum (take 2
Alan, WHY did you have to pick a subject title that almost scans?

"You can post MIDI files to this forum;
You can post MIDI files on this board;
You can post MIDI files
And create a lot of smiles
Or you can write the notes in Czech and be ignored!

You can post MIDI files or ABC notes;
You can post them in other formats too;
Or just scan the music if
You prefer JPEG or GIF
Though you'll reach far fewer readers if you do!

(Continue ad nauseum)