The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86221   Message #1631841
Posted By: Ron Davies
20-Dec-05 - 10:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!

So-- you're still drawing from the same well of certified 100% pure drivel, I note.

"It doesn't matter"?--- what Dick Cheney said on 8 Sept 2002 after "Well, I want to be very careful about how I say this. I 'm not here to make a specific allegation that Iraq was somehow responsible for 9-11. I can't say that". Doesn't matter?

MInd explaining why it doesn't matter what he said afterward?

Allow me to humbly suggest that "it doesn't matter" is hogwash. We wouldn't have expected anything different from you.

It matters a lot--in fact what he said afterward undercut--badly--your supposed "clear statement". As you well know.

Upshot: you still, almost a month later, have no statement made by the Bush regime disassociating Saddam and 11 Sept 2001.

And there's a good reason--such a statement doesn't exist.

In fact what Cheney said on 8 Sept 2002, if you read the whole statement, supports rather than disproves the propaganda campaign allegation.

Were it not for your ego, you would admit this--I'm convinced you're nowhere near as stupid as you profess to be.

We, however, have cited many statements by the Bush "team" to illustrate the propaganda campaign.

And, as I somehow suspect you know, propaganda does not need a direct statement to be effective--as illustrated by our scenarios painting you as a possible idiot and two other even worse options . We never did accuse you of any of that--in fact we made sure to deny that we believed in any of it-- since it's all a complete fabrication--but somehow I suspect that is not very comforting.

That's how propaganda can work--and it's just possible that you know that--and you know that Cheney also knows it.

But congratulations on managing to keep your temper for several weeks now. I'm sure it's a struggle.