The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86221   Message #1632610
Posted By: Bobert
21-Dec-05 - 10:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
You still don't get it, quack...

The mad-dash to war was well wriiten by Bush's War Machine... Yeah, they used sample audiences who were eired for responses... They went over the script's woor for word... Accent by accent in hopes of acpitalizing on the spikes in folks responses... This wasn't baout facts or lioes but condition responses and stuff the ad-nman know all about....

In bringing up 9/11 with just about every new sales pitrch the ad-men knew tghat eventually the connection would happen in the mionds of those who listened and it did... Right after the invasion about 70% of Americans thought that Saddam had Al Qeada connections...


Did thes 70% of Americans drean this up???

Well, no they didn't... They had been part of a propaganda control experiement and it's no wonder that at the end of it they had this disctinct impression that Saddam and bin Laden were in coohoots,,,,

This id wghat out tax dollars were spent to produce and they produced it...

Don'tr make any part of it fact but, heym facts are for the losers.... Right???
