The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86221   Message #1632752
Posted By: Teribus
22-Dec-05 - 05:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Bobert - 21 Dec 05 - 10:52 PM

As to why some of us..."still don't get it,"

According to Bobert:
"Bush's War Machine...used sample audiences who were eired (hired?) for responses"


Definition of a BOBERT FACT - something that has been pulled out of thin air, a statement made with absolutely no substantiation.

Note on BOBERT FACTS - in any ensuing reply Bobert will not provide evidence to substantiate his case, instead he will rant on about T-something this, T-something that, Quack-this, Quack-that. The one thing you will not get is rational arguement, because the man is incapable of it.

"Bush's War Machine...went over the script's woor (word?) for word"


"Bush's War Machine... Accent by accent in hopes of acpitalizing (capitalizing?) on the spikes in folks responses"


"... This wasn't baout facts or lioes but condition responses and stuff the ad-nman know all about...."

Well Bobert this post of yours certainly isn't based on facts, it is based largely on lies and you are the one telling them, or attempting to present them as fact.

"In bringing up 9/11 with just about every new sales pitrch the ad-men knew tghat eventually the connection would happen in the mionds of those who listened and it did... Right after the invasion about 70% of Americans thought that Saddam had Al Qeada connections..."

Hmmmmmm??? Not making much sense there Bobert. The media brought up 911 with every sales pitch from what I can see, the media having editorial control created the sound bites that were continually broadcast, both of those contentions can be clearly demonstrated and substantiated. If 70% of Americans thought that Saddam/Iraq had connections with Al-Qaeda "right after the invasion", then 70% of Americans plus their Government would be right, those links, contacts and connections dated back to 1994. What the US Administration ALWAYS stated was that Saddam/Iraq had NOTHING to do with the Al-Qaeda attacks of 11th September 2001. The media continually tempted them into stating that there was such a connection, and when they could not be drawn, the media resorted to carefully edited sound bites.

Bobert, you, Ron and Arne should write a book:

"The Propaganda Campaign That Never Was - June 2002 to March 2003"

I would look forward to it being published only half as much as reading the lambasting it would get by historians and political observers in review.

Facts aren't for losers Bobert, when looked at from all angles and all perspectives they provide extremely good indicators to the truth of any situation. I would advise that you start looking to fact rather than emotion if you actually want to put a point across.