The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87393   Message #1632798
Posted By: PennyBlack
22-Dec-05 - 07:49 AM
Thread Name: Law prevents carol singing
Subject: RE: Law prevents carol singing. (England)
We have over the last "several" years (like many musicians) been involved in the changes to the licensing law and its effect on live music and have found various attitudes from the local councils and their enforcement officer ranging from "Jobsworth" to Vindictive and aggressive enforcement of the law, but most are ordinary people trying to get on with their jobs and will do their best to help.

One of our local councils has just replied to me with regards to "open area" events TEN etc. It also points out the fact (which we do not always take into account) that several internal departments of the council have to interact to bring about a resolution, and this isn't always a case of popping into the next office.


------Edited Reply (names/locations removed)------


I have this week had a meeting with *** *****, our arts and events officer, regarding the licensing act and the need to licence certain areas of the Borough to encourage cultural activity in line with our licensing policy. Top of that list was ********* but others were mentioned as well, some will need agreements with other parties such as ****** ****.

Clearly at this stage I and the Council did not want to stifle traditional Christmas activity such as Carole singing so an interpretation of 'in the presence of an audience and for the purposes of entertaining that audience's has been somewhat generous in favour of these events. As we issue licences for open areas this interpretation may be tightened having regard to any guidance or case law which may emerge. At present no TENS have been issued and therefore the full allocation of TENs is still available. *** has been made aware of the use of these notices and the procedure to follow.

Hopefully *** will get back to us shortly with applications for premises licences which we will process as quickly as possible.

Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year, incidentally any singing in ******* ****** tomorrow will probably be my section after their Christmas lunch.
