The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87448   Message #1632901
Posted By: GUEST,maryrrf
22-Dec-05 - 10:18 AM
Thread Name: Question on dulcimer technique
Subject: RE: Question on dulcimer technique
Theres an excellent dulcimer site called . There is lot's of good information there, a forum where you can ask questions to your heart's content, and loads of links. There is also a large section of free tablature for the mountain dulcimer, explanations of tuning, etc.    They will tell you that there are as many ways to play a dulcimer as there are dulcimer players, and lots of different tunings as well. But you'll get a lot of good tips and good advice from them. That's what makes it a fun instrument! This is a very, very friendly group and you will enjoy the company as well as the information.