The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87393   Message #1633069
Posted By: The Shambles
22-Dec-05 - 01:26 PM
Thread Name: Law prevents carol singing
Subject: RE: Law prevents carol singing. (England)
I don't class officialdom as my enemy and try to work with them rather than being aggresivly hostile.

Sadly my experience is that such an approach is seldom reciprocated and the few members of local officaldom who do really try to help are usually outnumbered and outranked by the majority who do see being helpful to the public as part of their job.

And I feel it must be remembered that is a job for them - there is no mileage in viewing them as omnipotent beings who the onus is on you not to upset. Expecting what is yours by right is usually enough on its own to upset the worst of them and I have found the worst of them are usually found in licensing departments.

If this is not the case - those who work in these depts have the best opportunity to demonstrate that I am wrong. I hope they will all work to prove me wrong.

Showing respect to the folk who may work for your local council is one thing - forelock touching and being expected to be grateful for the slightest crumb - is perhaps something else.

I don't see that it is 'generous' of any council employee to simply get out of the way of the public's right to express themselves in music. In the long run the sensible interpretation of what plainly is and what is not Regulated Entertainment by LAs is actually in their best interests as it will involve them in less work.

It is my view that the Licensing Act 2003 is poor legislation - especially the entertainment aspects. If those employed to enforce it were honest they may possibly agree. However a combination of poor legislation and poor local enforcement will be a disaster.

But I really believe that bold and imaginitive interpretation from LAs can still deliver something sensible from the unfortunate words of this Act. However, my experience leads me to doubt if such a thing exists in the area of licensing. And I really don't see it happening if we are prepared to accept and excuse anything less from those who are employed to serve the local community - not to rule over it.