The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86663   Message #1633320
Posted By: Dave (the ancient mariner)
22-Dec-05 - 06:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Winter election in Canuckville???
Subject: RE: BS: Winter election in Canuckville???
Most Canadians are under the false impression that the Liberals are the only party to support Medicare. When Prestom Manning was leader of the Reform party he proposed a few ways in which the system could be managed and improved and was immediately bombarded by Pravda (sorry the CBC) and accused of being a right wing Nazi out to destroy Canada. Our PM Jean Cretin (sorry Chretien) said "I wont touch your social programs" and had Paul martin the finance minister cut transfer payments to the provinces almost destroying some medicare programs.

Now we have seen several examples of waste by the Liberals.
A: Gun control.... complete and utter waste of a billion dollars that could have been used to support community programs medicare and the justice system.
B: several million dollars unnacounted for and no accounting for where they went (No not the patronage scandal)remember the lady who was reelected? If you or I had managed a job like that we would be doing twenty years hard labour. Here in canada we reelect them.
C: The patronage scandal millions of tax payers dollars frittered away to prime Quebec friends of the Liberals
D: The scrapped military helicopter replacement scandal. millions spent and lost, for some very expensive new helicopters that are mostly grounded for tail rotor problems. The original design choice but cheapened version and still no replacement for the aging Seakings.

Yes, Canadians will by the influence of the CBC and sheer apathy and stupidity re elect the Liberals to do more of the same. Great isnt it?