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Thread #86221   Message #1633353
Posted By: GUEST,AR282
22-Dec-05 - 07:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
>>Does anyone here, left or right, honestly think Saddam Hussein wouldn't have used NBC on us?<<

I don't know. Maybe.

>>Does anyone here believe that he DID NOT have NBC in the past?<<

Sure he did. He used it on the Kurds and we gave it to him. Ah, how soon they forget.

>>Does anyone here think SADDAM HUSSEIN would give up the power to use WMD, a power he'd exercised in the past?<<

When the US gives him the weapon, I'm pretty sure he would think it okay to use it or why did we give it to him? But that's his fault not ours, I know.

>>Do you really think that a few investigators couldn't be fooled?<<

Yeah, there's just so much of that bad intelligence floating around these days. It could fool anybody.

>>Or that Hussein didn't have more than enough time to move stockpiles to Syria?<<

Now that I seriously doubt. Moreover, not even Bush tried to use that one to justify his mistake. Of course, we can always invade Syria and prove the WMDs are hidden there. I'm sure we'd be right this time.

>>If so, I suppose you believe Iran is pursuing Nuclear energy for strictly peaceful reasons.<<

Doesn't make any difference what Iran is doing it for? We have nukes and we are still the only nation ever to use them on people--on women and children. If we can do it, who are we to tell others they can't? OH, because we're morally superior to everyone else. Silly me.

>>I'm sure I will get some very humorous and enthusiastic answers - no one seems to want to start with a QUESTION. People so often start with the answer and limit their logic and fact-gathering to what fits.<<

Were these questions supposed to unleash some amazing, undeniable truth on us about something?

>>Try to understand that an intense desire to feel safe does not mean we are safe. If we are not safe, the WOT is a hell of a lot more important than your personal dislike for the Pres, or even your political ideology. Think practically!<<

Justifying invading another nation in a war we now can't get out of and for which we have become the laughingstock of the world is your way of thinking logically? Is it logical to kill somebody you think might want to kill you? Tell it to the judge, I'm sure he'll find your logical compelling. Mr. Spock, you ain't.