The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86687   Message #1633397
Posted By: GUEST,Mr Masculinity
22-Dec-05 - 08:14 PM
Thread Name: Less Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
Subject: RE: Less Noteworthy Mudcat Quotations
I usually pee sitting down, Martin, and I am a MAN. That's right. You wanna know why I pee sitting down? Well, it's really simple. As a boy I did what I was instructed to do and peed standing up. I did that for years and years. What happens when you do that is, you frequently spill a few drops on various parts of the toilet where you don't necessarily want them...specially just at the start. It's messy.

It finally hit me one day that there was no particular reason for a guy to pee standing up when he has a toilet to sit on. None at all, in fact, except the irrational fear that it "isn't manly". Well, I had to overcome that fear, Martin, and OOOOOH BOY was it TOUGH! I was terrified that someone might think me to be a wuss, not a man, if I peed sitting a girl!!!!

Sheesh. The terror. I can't tell you.

I decided I had to beat this irrational fear. Finally, one day, I gritted my teeth, dropped my pants, and SAT on the toilet....and peed!

Much to my surprise, the skies did not part. No thunderbolt from God came down to fry me. My testicles did not shrivel up and fall off! Nothing bad happened at all.

It took several weeks of nervousness before it finally hit me...there IS no reason why a man can't or shouldn't pee sitting down...if there's a toilet available....and it keeps the toilet nice and clean on the seat and outside parts. Less trouble for whoever cleans it. And it's relaxing too. Very soothing to pee sitting down.

There are courses in overcoming the fear of peeing sitting down, Martin, and I seriously suggest you take one. You will feel so liberated when you overcome the fear of what others may think. You will discover that your masculinity is still intact.

Do it now! And save time on cleaning up afterward. And remember, you CAN still pee standing up when at urinals or outside.