The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87445   Message #1633521
Posted By: rangeroger
22-Dec-05 - 11:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christmas Thread for Christians...
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Thread for Christians...
A very Merry Christmas to you Bobert and to you all whether you believe or not.
KT brought up remembering things of Christmas' past. One thing which will alwys be held dear in my memory is asking for and being baptised on Christmas day.
It was 45 years ago this year. I was 15 and the baptism was done at the chapel of the old Luftwaffe barracks in Berchtesgaden Germany.
My belief in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ still hold firm today as they did then. I may not always live that life, but I try to.

Merry Christmas