The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87492   Message #1633946
Posted By: GUEST,NH Dave
23-Dec-05 - 01:42 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: A Geordie Nativity
Subject: Lyrics [sic] Geordie Nativity
Back in the 70's there was a "British" humorist who did recitation called A Geordie Nativity, about "Joe, a carpenter, who was a bit of a Ca pit a list, and took a charablanc tour down to Bethlehem to see Nazarus Rovers play Bethlehem United . . ." and ends up, "And there was Joe, smilin' like the proud father he was supposed to be . . . and God up on a cloud wi' a bottle of Newcastle Brown Ale shouting 'This is the best Christmas I've seen in a long time!'"

Does anyone here have the full text to this recitation, know who the artist was, if his work has been redone onto CD, and if the CD or whatever are still available?

I heard this on BBC, along with another or perhaps the same man who's routine was to have the band play a few bars of a song from one of the regions of Great Britain, and then do a joke in the accent of that region. May be the same man but I came in late in the program and didn't catch all the names. Any hints or ideas ?
