The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87445   Message #1633960
Posted By: KT
23-Dec-05 - 01:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christmas Thread for Christians...
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Thread for Christians...
Well, I posted this on another thread, but seeing the direction this one has taken at certain points, I'll repeat it here:

Merry Christmas, everyone.

For those who do not celebrate Christmas, receive the good wishes that come with those words, but don't interpret them as anything but good wishes for you, for that is indeed what they are.   And for those of you who celebrate other holidays/holy days, I hope on those days you will extend good wishes/blessings to me in the same spirit. Even if I do not happen to celebrate your holy days, I know that for you they represent something deeply meaningful, and I honor and respect that. If I choose to educate myself about your holy days, I know that I will be richer for it.

Warmest wishes for all that is good in this season,