The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87530   Message #1635425
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
27-Dec-05 - 10:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Where Have All The Messages Gone?
Subject: RE: BS: Where Have All The Messages Gone?
Woodncha know it. I start a simple thread with the question answered almost immediately and it evolves into another thread about religion.
Here I am, a Gospel Messenger and all, and I've stayed out of the discussion.

As words are often thrown around in here quite casually and are sometimes at the root of poor communication, I'd just like to give a dicitonary definition of the word "religion." Most people use the word religion meaning "organized" religion. I've never heard anyone have a problem with disorganized religion. It's when it gets organized that people have a problem with it. The problem with "organized" religion is that it's organized by human beings, and can easily succumb to all the human qualities we try to rise above, like jealously, judgment, desire for power, and the exclusion of those who believe differently. Organized religion is only as good as those who do the organizing.

That said, religion is "The belief in a supernatural power which governs the universe; a recognition of God as an object of worship." In the true definition of the word, you can be "religious" and never go to church or subscribe to any particular flavor of religion. For those who believe in God, or Jesus, or folk music or rap or Nascar racing, getting together with people of like interests is natural. In a way, Mudcat is organized folk music. We are all drawn to others who share a common interest or way of thinking. When that becomes too institutionalized it can take on all the characteristics of government, politics, "big" business, and professional sports.

Maybe what we should all rail against is getting organized. It always lead to missuse... even charities suffer from corruption and missuse of funds.

Perhaps it's time that we all get disorganized. If that's the case, I want to be President of the Disorganization. But there's the rub. There's always a natural attempt to organize disorganization.
Organized disorganization is like unGodly Atheists, I guess.

Citizens Of The World, Get Disorganized!
