The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87393   Message #1635857
Posted By: The Shambles
28-Dec-05 - 02:44 AM
Thread Name: Law prevents carol singing
Subject: RE: Law prevents carol singing
The following from the Statutory Guidance to the Act.

Page 28

Guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003

Cultural strategies

3.47 In connection with cultural strategies, licensing policy statements should include clearly worded statements indicating that they will monitor the impact of licensing on the provision of regulated entertainment, and particularly live music and dancing. Care will be needed to ensure that only necessary, proportionate and reasonable licensing conditions impose any restrictions on such events.

Where there is any indication that such events are being deterred by licensing requirements, statements of licensing policy should be re-visited with a view to investigating how the situation might be reversed. Broader cultural activities and entertainment may also be affected.

In developing their statements of licensing policy, licensing authorities should also consider any views of the local authority's arts committee where one exists.

3.48 Over 325 local authorities from all over England and Wales are members of the National Association of Local Government Arts Officers (NALGAO), which is the largest organisation in the country representing local government art interests. Some local authorities do not yet have arts specialists or arts development officers and in such circumstances, a licensing authority may wish to consult NALGAO for practical help and advice.

3.49 The United Kingdom ratified the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) in 1976. Article 15 of the Covenant requires that progressive measures be taken to ensure that everyone can participate in the cultural life of the community and enjoy the arts. It is therefore important that the principles underpinning ICESCR are integrated, where possible, with the licensing authority's approach to the licensing of regulated entertainment.