The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34061   Message #1636055
Posted By: Tootler
28-Dec-05 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Van Diemen's Land
I have recently come across this thread. I have two similar variants of the song.

The first one went under the title "The Poachers"

Come all ye gallant poachers that ramble void of care,
That walk oot on a moonlight night, with your dog, your gun and snare;
The harmless hare and pheasant you have at your command,
Not thinking on your last career upon Van Diemen's land.

'Twas poor Tom Brown from Glasgow, Jack Williams and poor Joe,
We were three daring poachers, the country well did know;
At night we were trepanned by the keepers in the sand,
And for fourteen years transported to Van Diemen's land.

The first day that we landed upon this fatal shore
The planters that came round us, full twenty score or more,
They rank'd us up like horses, and sold us out of hand,
And yok'd us to the ploughs, my boys, to plough Van Diemen's land.

The houses that we dwell in here are built of clod and clay;
With rotten straw for bedding, we dare not say them nay;
Our cots are fenced with wire, and we slumber when we can,
And we fight the wolves and tigers which infest Van Diemen's land.

There cam' a lass from sweet Dundee, Jean Stewart it was her name,
For fourteen years transported, as you may know the same.
Our captain bought her freedom, and married her off-hand,
And she gives us a' good usage here, upon Van Diemen's land.

Although the poor of Scotland do labour and do toil,
They're robbed of every blessing and produce of the soil;
Youre proud imperious landlords, if we break their command,
They'll send us to the British hulks, or to Van Diemen's land.

Tune "Star of County Down"

Source: Norman Buchan, "101 Scottish Songs", Collins Scotia Books, 1962,

Norman Buchan credits this to Ord's Bothy Ballads.