The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87559   Message #1636426
Posted By: GUEST
28-Dec-05 - 10:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chalabi is a loser
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
Ahhhhh, can I ask for a rfefund of any of the tax bucks I gave over gthe last 5 years that went directly into Chalibi's bank account???

Hey, what I would freraally like to see is a money back guarentee from these cjurrent batch of crooks.... yeaah, they screw lots of stuff up, waste a lot of the hard earned tax dollars I send 'um, and I have no recourse what so ever???

At least witha piece of junk toaster oven you get some kind of guarentee...

$400,000 a month down the Chalibi rat hole and I can't ask fir a refun d???

Like what's that all about???

Hery, I earned the friggin' money the hard way and I resent it being handed ovefr to this crook... Yeah, let him come work for me fir a couple weeks and learn just how hard folks work to pay these taxes and maatbe he'll have some understanding why folks like me is so pissed about my hard earned money going to this imposter....
