The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87559   Message #1636479
Posted By: Amos
28-Dec-05 - 11:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chalabi is a loser
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
Bush did lie, Old Guy. He lied through his teeth in order to support a war-mongering agenda thta was handed to him by his Good Ole Boys inner circle, who wanted Iraq long before they had 9-11 as an excuse no matter how shallow. He lied about nuclear threats "within 72 hours" from Saddam. He lied about biochemical factories. He lied about chem weapons. He lied about linking Saddam Hussein to 9-11 and al Queda. He lied about the benefits of his medical benefits program. He lied about the money he was going to spend on Katrina. He lied about the efficacy of FEMA. He has lied about every goddamn thing in the book.

You really should go back through some of the prior dialogue on the subject, though, so we don't have to drag you through all the old arguments over again.

I will tell you this, though. I appreciate you sticking to your Red Ryder guns for what you believe, no matter how misguided I think it is! :D