The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80303   Message #1636968
Posted By: bfdk
29-Dec-05 - 07:10 PM
Thread Name: Happy! - April 16
Subject: RE: Happy! - April 16 (Sir John Franklin)
Frozen in Time is an excellent read! If you don't know the conclusion when reading the book, it's like reading a good CSI story ;-)

Q, if any of the "more technical publications" are available online, I should be very happy, if you'd kindly provide a link.

For anybody interested in the life and times of Sir John Franklin, I can also recommend the novel "North-West by South" written by Australian author Nancy Cato. This book deals mainly with his time as Governor of Tasmania, but also follows him and his wife up to the doomed expedition. Based on the facts, as far as these were available at the time of writing (1965).

Best wishes,
