The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9339   Message #1637474
Posted By: GUEST,Uncle Jaque
30-Dec-05 - 12:53 PM
Thread Name: Lyrics/Chords ADD:Jerusalem of Gold (Naomi Shemer)
Subject: RE: Chords Req: Jerusalem of Gold
I just ran one of those MIDIs linked on Joe's post, and it certainly is an intriguing melody - in one of those haunting, minor keys it sounds like (the chords sort of look like it too).

Back around 1989 while I was in hospital recuperating from surgery I looked out over the lights of Portland (ME) and despite my general aversion to cities, it was sort of pretty.

It made me wonder what the "New Jerusalem" might look like, and how beautiful it must be - then this song sort of "unrolled" in my head.

This is the first time I've seen anything about this "Jerusalem of Gold" song, but the similarity of subject sort of struck me.

What do you think?



"Uncle Jaque"

All day long in streets of darkness, Lord
I've failed to pass the test;
Fallen far short of your glory, Lord
though I've tried my level best...
There's lots more I need to do here, Lord;
Much more I need to learn;
Though my weary heart for sanctuary
frequently does yearn.


In my dreams the golden spires of your Temple meet the sun;
In your streets the children dancing;
Hear them sing, and laugh, and run....
Your sweet flowers soothe my spirit,
Though it's not time to come home -
Let me spend this night...
Dear Lord....
In Jerusalem.

City of God; city of David;
Priceless pearl beyond worth;
Shining light upon Mount Zion -
Capital city of the Earth;
Let me drink from your crystal fountains,
wander through your rainbow halls;
Hear the trumpet sound the Sabbath
From your alabaster walls!


Say there Pilgrim; have you seen her?
Shining high upon the hill -
Ancient city of our Fathers -
Are her banners flying still?
Or when back towards the Kingdom
wandering souls begin to start -
Is Jerusalem that city
God rebuilds within our heart?



And here I'm a Yankee Baptist living in Maine.
Go figure, eh?