The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87559   Message #1637497
Posted By: dianavan
30-Dec-05 - 01:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chalabi is a loser
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
Well, well, imagine that.

Chalabi has been appointed oil minister.

He may be a loser but he is a smart loser who will gain power no matter what the price. Anyone who thinks he has fallen out of favour with the U.S. govt. should think again. The oil crisis in Iraq has been fuelled by more lies, propaganda and misuse of funds.

How could anyone trust Chalabi to fix this?

I am astounded that after lying about weapons of mass destruction, he is still considered a friend in Washington.

Could it all be a lie? Did Chalabi take the blame for false intelligence in exchange for his new found position as oil minister? Hmmm... I wonder who will be given oil contracts while he is in power?

Does anyone find it slightly suspect that although he lost the election, he has now managed to be appointed oil minister?

This is one scary and very intelligent man. He sacrificed the people of Iraq by telling a big, big lie and now controls oil production in Iraq. Sounds a bit like a new Saddam in the making.