The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87559   Message #1638274
Posted By: dianavan
31-Dec-05 - 04:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chalabi is a loser
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
Woody, you say, "The US has discredit Chalabi and no longer supports him. After convincing Congress that there were WMDs in Iraq and all kinds of crap about how easy it would be to topple Saddam, they discovered that they had been had."

If that is true, why is he still in the picture? How does Chalabi, a British citizen with his own little army (backed by the CIA), convicted of fraud in Jordan (Petra bank scandal), and a big loser in the Iraqi election, manage to secure a powerful position in the new Iraqi government as director of the oil ministry?

The U.S. has not been 'had' by Chalabi. They still meet with him and they are still 'hand in glove' with the man who gave them their excuse for invading Iraq in the first place. By 'hook or by crook' the U.S. and Britain (including Chalabi) will secure their interest in controlling the extraction and distribution of Iraqi oil.

Whether or not Chalabi is still interested in creating peaceful relations between Israel and Iraq remains to be seen. It appears to me that he is indeed a double agent who is playing Iran and Israel against each other and dragging the U.S. into an all out war in the Middle East while he runs off with the cash.

I have some big questions about Chalabi and it is beyond me, why anyone would trust a known liar and a man convicted ofembezzlement. Why is it that he is able to escape public scrutiny? Why does the White House still include him in their inner circle. Have they ever pointed a finger directly at Chalabi?

Chalabi also owns the Iraqi newspapers that were paid to print U.S. propaganda.

More importantly, why are you paying for it? In total, how many of your tax dollars have gone to supporting this liar and thief? How many more tax dollars will he be getting as the oil minister of Iraq?

...and you thought the oil for food scandal was bad news.