The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17112   Message #163832
Posted By: Reggie Miles
16-Jan-00 - 11:06 AM
Thread Name: Confidence/lack of, in 'Your own' Songs.
Subject: RE: Confidence/lack of, in 'Your own' Songs.
I've struggled with the same with my art endeavors. After I built my last rezophonic guitar I didn't want to tell anyone. After all it was built out of weird stuff like vegetable steamer, baseball bat, door kickplate, piano and record player parts etc. Who in their right mind could think they could get away with something like that?I would just play it and wait for those listening to comment, hoping the reviews would be good. Then after a few nods of approval I began to tell the story to folks of how I came to craft it. The more I shared the story the more the story itself became a part of my performance. This in turn opened up an area of of performance that I had never explored before, story telling. I soon found it easier to tell other musings, adding them as intros to songs. One of the wonderful things that happened is that after hearing my tale someone else decided they could build their own guitar and made two. I think the risk of condemnation was worthwhile if for no other reason than it inspired another to take that step toward the creative process. Tinkering with an idea trying to perfect it is something I've done as well. It took me a year of pondering about a found object scuplture I was working on before I could call it finished. I've experimented with my guitar for years, trying new tunings, a different combination of string guages, pickups etc., working on little details to try and make it sound better and still I continue. I've done the same with songs, stories, other instruments I've built as well as other art pieces I've played with. All are works in progress. I'm not thick headed enough to believe that what I produce will appeal to all nor am I thin skinned enough to let my critics deter my efforts at creating. Who knows what sparks of inspiration we may ignite in others through our efforts. I know of many, who after seeing me perform with my musical saw or washboard have been inspired to try the same. I don't feel so very adept at writng to these threads. It's always been difficult for me to organize my thoughts much less write them down so that others could compehend them. You Rick and others here have inspired me to do just that. We are all works in progress. Don't hold back. No one else can say what you need to say precisely the way you can and from what I've read of your posts here you seem to have a pretty good handle on how to make a point. Did I say that right?