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Thread #87545   Message #1638406
Posted By: Bobert
31-Dec-05 - 07:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Iraq Propaganda Campaign
Yo, Old Guy,

Can you offer any evidence that the documents that Dan Rather presented were forged???

Seesm to me that wasn't the issue of the documents but that they could not be substantiated... Big difference, pal...

And while we are on the subject, had the US wanted to call up Bush duruing his AWOL all I can say is good luck... Hard to call up the missing...

As for Kerry, can you provide any evidence that he didn't turn the boat around and save one of his men??? No, seems that the those Swift Boater for Bush weren't there... Yeah, they might have been in Nam and prolly were but they weren't there when Kerry either turned the boat around or didn't... Or when he took his boat onto shore and killed a Viet Cong, or didn't...

Do you have any criduible sources that would hold up in any court of law???

No, you don't..

What you have is a bunch of partisan Bushite Vietnam vets who did a nice hatchet job on a man who may have actually shown more valor than all of them put together???

Hey, Old Guy, I will say one thing and that is that the Bush propaganda machine has worked just like it was drawn up when it comes to you...

Try independent thought... It don't hurt at all...

I ain't no partisan here, pal, but you sure as heck are...

What you don't see, or care to see, is that Bush and his boys are Hell-bent on bending over to corporate interests... Hitler, BTW, also courted the industrialists... No, I'm not callin' Bush Hitler but he has certainly taken some pages out of Hitler's play book...

It was Hitler who remarked that the masses would believe the "Big Lie" and when it comes to the "Big Lie" there's been no one in my life time that was in the same class with Bush... Hey, he's got ice-water running in his viens when it comes to telling lies...

Like I said, I ain't no partisan... Kerry, I agree wasn't too hot... Clinton outright sucked... Gore was a bore... Hillary is about as bad as her hubby...

But now yer God, Bush, he's the worst of 'um all... And not only is he a liar but he is a thief... He's trying to bleed the middle class and poor to death...
