The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17091   Message #163867
Posted By: Peter T.
16-Jan-00 - 12:55 PM
Thread Name: What's a 'good voice'?
Subject: RE: What's a 'good voice'?
Andres, why did we just not go off into a corner of that hotel and sing for an hour or two? Damn it all to hell. Now we have to meet again so that you can give me a lesson or two!
For sheer volume, I remember the first time I heard Birgit Nilsson at Covent Garden, I really thought the walls would come off. Once I heard her from the back row at the Albert Hall, which is a huge barn, and you could almost feel the pressure of her voice on your face. She was recently interviewed prior to the Heppner/Eaglen Tristan, and was really interesting about technique (she was giving a master class). I had always assumed she just had a vast natural voice, opened her mouth and sang.

The most wonderful singer I have ever heard live is still Pavarotti when he was young, doing La Boheme or Tosca. Just for the sheer Italianness of it all, hurling himself at you. Has anyone ever really enjoyed the whole thing as much as Pavarotti and his audiences, everyone including Pavarotti just being thrilled at what was going on?
Your opera house is so good, you must have heard a lot of good singers come to town, or locally. yours, Peter T.