The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87559   Message #1639234
Posted By: GUEST,Geoduck
01-Jan-06 - 10:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chalabi is a loser
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
The Bobster is ducking and weaving around like a hillbily trying to avoid his once a year bathtime. His heritagee of fueds like the Hatfields and McCoys prevents him from admitting Bush, pernounced Boosh in the mountains, won twice in a row even though his fellow anarchist extremists were persuing thier god givin' civil rights to pervent it like slashin' Republican tires and cuttin' down Republican campaign signs with a chain saw.

I hope this is homey enough for the Boobert.

Did Clinton pay Chalibi $100,000 a month of taxpayers money when he was president???

Yes ______X___

No __________

Has Bush paid Chalibi $400,000 a month of taxpayers money???

Yes _________

No ________X__

I mean, let's get real... You want to lobe yer little stink bombs over the fence from GUESTdom but when the tables are tu8rned and yoyu are asked pointed questions that have nothing to do with opinion, you chickenhawks run like a "pig froma gun"...


Keep lobing yer little stink bombs... It's all you have...
