The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87559   Message #1639271
Posted By: dianavan
01-Jan-06 - 11:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chalabi is a loser
Subject: RE: BS: Chalabi is a loser
Yes, Geoduck, Chalabi is a slippery operator. He duped Democrats and Republicans into supporting him and his INC. I was not interested in his involvement with the Dems because at that point he had not provided the false information that gave the excuse needed to occupy Iraq.

It was the Republicans, however, that continued to trust him and use his army to secure the removal of Saddam and attempted to place him as a leader in the new Iraq even after he was convicted of embezzlement in Jordan and after an FBI investigation into the of leaking top secret information to Iran.

In November of this year, the Pentagon continued to wine and dine him at the office in talks that were not widely reported in the media. The investigation by the FBI didn't seem to hamper neo-con support of this scoundrel one little bit.

His INC was not supported by enough Iraqis during the election to give him a democratically elected seat but he still managed to be appointed to very high positions in the newly formed government. In fact, he will be the man responsible for getting the oil up and running once again although another member of his family has been responsible for "protecting" the pipelines. It is because the pipelines are constantly sabbotaged and the truck drivers threatened, that the distribution has come to a grinding halt in the first place. Go figure!

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that until Chalabi becomes the 'man in charge' pipeline sabbotage, threats and so-called insurgencies will plague Iraq. Once he gains power, the oil will flow directly to those he considers to be allies.

He makes the Bush administration look like the sucks that they are.

I don't like or trust Chalabi one bit and I don't believe for a minute that he cares about the Iraqi people any more than Saddam or Bush. They are all scoundrels.

Chalabi is a very intelligent but ruthless politician who is a master at playing both ends against the middle if it means there is money to be made. He does not have the support of the Iraqi people so why is the Pentagon still licking his boots?