The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17144   Message #163954
Posted By: bseed(charleskratz)
16-Jan-00 - 05:11 PM
Thread Name: What is 'Vestapol'?
Subject: RE: What is 'Vestapol'?
Pete Seeger and, later, the Limelighters recorded a Yiddish song about a town near Sevastopol where there was a Jewish collective farm: "Zhankoye"--could Libba Cotton's "'Vastopol" be a version of it? She, of course, worked as a maid for the Seeger family before they discovered her musical gifts. "Zhankoye" is a good swinging minor key tune that is well suited for fingerpicking--and the song begins in English: "If you go to Sevastopal..." and in Yiddish (this is phonetic transcription--I might have the Sing Out with Pete's transcription, but not easily to hand), "Ahs men fort kein Sevastopol..." and Libba could have taken her name for the tune from hearing the Seegers sing the song.

--seed(speculating idly as usual)